Rave's blog

... snapshots of my life...

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Spanish Dinner (Friday night)

Posted by Rave

The Spanish guys got together and gave us a dinner party on friday. Lots of different kinds of spanish omelets, with potatoes, tuna, and chorizos. Anchovie snacks and 2 types of desert - rice with milk and cheese cake. There was also spanish ham, but that disappeared before anybody could say "Hola" !!!

It was fun with approx. 30 people talking, drinking, eating, and taking pictures.
People who didn't know me thought I was Mexican, me ... Mexican???
Their second guess was Spanish...hehehheh
I didn't wait for the third and told them that I was actually Indian.

After dinner we set of to play pool at the CSA, it was German night and the music was *&#*&@#
The band was British hairy men wearing mini-skirts...
They were singing children carols in english with german music... ugh...
After the band left it became boring and we came back for a goodnights sleep.